The team’s goal is maximizing the value-creation captured by partnering with companies exhibiting strong revenue growth and inflecting ROICs—which the team’s investment process is tailored to identify.
The team starts with a broad investment universe of small and mid-cap public and private companies in Greater China. From there, it screens for high sales growth and ROIC and strong balance sheets. The team also performs extensive on-the-ground research and leverages its deep network to gain insight into compelling entrepreneurs and opportunities.
The team applies a multi-faceted, venture mindset to ensure it identifies the entrepreneurs it believes likeliest to disrupt a sizeable existing market or create a new one.
The team’s goal is establishing deep, strategic relationships with portfolio companies early in their life cycles, when influence extends beyond just capital. The team consults with management frequently on business strategy and execution, risk awareness and mitigation, and socially responsible practices.
Once the team has narrowed the universe to a pool of candidates, it takes a layered approach to identifying asymmetric upside/downside return opportunities, measuring end-market exposures and risks, and analyzing portfolio analytics. The end result is a concentrated portfolio of high-conviction positions across public and private markets.