Artisan Partners Global Value Team Lead Portfolio Manager Dan O’Keefe discusses how the narrow, mega-cap tech focus in US markets and relative underperformance of non-US equities has engendered divergence in valuations and opportunities.

This video represents the views and opinions of Daniel O’Keefe, Artisan Global Value Fund portfolio manager, as of 30 June 2023, that are based on current market conditions, and are subject to change without notice. While the information contained herein is believed to be reliable, there no guarantee to the accuracy or completeness of any statement in the discussion. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any investment service, product or individual security. Any forecasts contained herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not to be relied upon as advice or interpreted as a recommendation.

Current and future portfolio holdings are subject to risk. The value of portfolio securities selected by the investment team may rise or fall in response to company, market, economic, political, regulatory or other news, at times greater than the market or benchmark index. A portfolio’s environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) considerations may limit the investment opportunities available and, as a result, the portfolio may forgo certain investment opportunities and underperform portfolios that do not consider ESG factors. International investments involve special risks, including currency fluctuation, lower liquidity, different accounting methods and economic and political systems, and higher transaction costs. These risks typically are greater in emerging and less developed markets, including frontier markets. Securities of small- and medium-sized companies tend to have a shorter history of operations, be more volatile and less liquid and may have underperformed securities of large companies during some periods. Value securities may underperform other asset types during a given period.

The discussion of portfolio holdings does not constitute a recommendation of any individual security. For the purpose of determining the Fund’s holdings, securities of the same issuer are aggregated to determine the weight in the Fund. The holdings mentioned above comprised the following percentages of the Fund’s total net assets as of 30 June 2023: Artisan Global Value Fund— Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 5.4%, Novartis AG 5.2%, Danone SA 4.9%, Meta Platforms Inc 4.7%, Alphabet Inc 4.5%, UBS Group AG 4.3%, Citigroup Inc 2.9%, Shell PLC 2.9%, Lloyds Banking Group PLC 1.7%. Securities named in the video, but not listed here are not held in the Fund as of the date of this report. The discussion of portfolio holdings does not constitute a recommendation of any individual security. Portfolio holdings are subject to change and Artisan Partners disclaims any obligation to advise investors of such changes.

Charts Source: CNBC, as of (30 June 2023). Past performance does not guarantee and is not a reliable indicator of future results.

STOXX Europe 600 is a leading provider of market indexes that are representative of European and global markets.

S&P 500® Index (SP500) measures the performance of 500 US companies focused on the large-cap sector of the market.

CAC 40 is the French stock market index that tracks the 40 largest French stocks based on the Euronext Paris market capitalization.

FTSE MIB is a benchmark index for the Italian equity markets belonging to the FTSE Italia Index Series.

Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index is an index consisting of the shares of the 100 biggest companies by market capitalization on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

Xetra DAX is a German blue-chip stock market index that tracks the performance of the 40 largest companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a stock market index that tracks 30 large, publicly-owned blue-chip companies trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq.

Nasdaq 100 Composite Index is a stock market index made up of 101 equity securities issued by 100 of the largest non-financial companies listed on the Nasdaq stock market.

The index(es) are unmanaged; include net reinvested dividends; do not reflect fees or expenses; and are not available for direct investment.

Dividend Yield is a financial ratio that shows how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its share price. Free Cash Flow Yield is an overall return evaluation ratio of a stock, which standardizes the free cash flow per share a company is expected to earn against its market price per share. The ratio is calculated by taking the free cash flow per share divided by the share price. Tangible Book Value is a measure of a company’s shareholder equity after removing any intangible assets.